The XMM Guest Observer Facility and the ESA Science Observations Centre will be hosting its first virtual Data Analysis Workshop April 1-3, 2025!
This workshop, geared towards new users of XMM data, will (1) highlight the diverse scientific studies that can be enabled by XMM, (2) introduce beginners to the Science Analysis Software (SAS) and Extended Source Analysis System (ESAS) as enabled through Python notebooks and SciServer, (3) introduce beginners to the XMM archive, and (4) introduce beginners and experienced users alike to SciServer and Datalabs. The goal of the workshop is to improve the accessibility and usability of XMM data and its data reduction and analysis software, and to introduce the tools created for use with SciServer and Datalabs, which focus on making data reduction more accessible regardless of computing resources and expertise available at a given institution. Additionally, there will be sessions relevant to more experienced SAS users, including a discussion of how to get involved in pySAS development.
This workshop will take place virtually. To register your interest and receive the connection info, please fill out the form here by March 18, 2025.
Below is a preliminary block schedule. More details will be provided closer to the workshop.
Tues, April 1, 2025
09:00 (EST) 15:00 (CET) XMM for Beginners
09:30 15:30 Intro to SAS in Datalabs
10:00 16:00 Intro to SAS in SciServer
10:30 16:30 Intro to pySAS: Images and Filters
11:00 17:00 Spectra Extraction and Analysis
11:30 17:30 Q&A
12:00 18:00 Break
13:00 19:00 Interactive Session (XMM GOF-led)
16:00 22:00 End of Day 1
Wed, April 2, 2025
03:30 09:30 Interactive Session (ESA-led)
06:30 12:30 Break
09:00 15:00 Recap of Day 1
09:15 15:15 Intro to RGS extraction and fitting
09:45 15:45 Timing mode in Datalabs
10:15 16:15 ESAS Intro
10:45 16:45 OM Intro and Science
11:15 17:15 XMM Synergies with XRISM
11:45 17:45 Q&A
12:00 16:00 Break
13:00 19:00 Interactive Session (XMM GOF-led)
16:00 22:00 End of Day 2
Thurs, April 3, 2025
03:30 09:30 Interactive Session (ESA-led)
06:30 12:30 End of Day 3